Our Humble Beginnings

The New Normal

Our company started when the pandemic crisis happened back in the year 2020. We have a physical store already done but because of what happened, we were led to manage our business online.

Disadvantage to Advantage!

Little did we know, selling online was really the answer. It was a blessing in disguise.

It was Him all along!

When it's all said and done, all we can say is thanks be to God. It was Him who opened the door of opportunities for us.

The meaning behind our company name,"Go-El".

"goEl" according to Merriam-Webster means redeemer or reclaimant. We used it as our company name not only to remember but to commemorate our Lord Jesus Christ who redeemed and saved us from our sins.

  • Mission

    Here at "Go-El Electrical Products Trading," our mission is to provide quality, durable and cost-effective products, catering to the various electrical product requirements of our clients. We strive to be a reliable and trusted source for industry standard compliant electrical products in order to foster long-term relationships with our clients. We aim to contribute to the growth and development of the various sectors and industries by offering innovative solutions and staying up-to-date with the latest technological advancements in electrical products. Our mission is to ensure customer satisfaction through our commitment to excellence, fair trade practices, professionalism, and integrity.

  • Vision

    Our vision at "Go-El Electrical Products Trading" is to become the preferred destination for all electrical needs in the country. We envision establishing a strong presence in the electrical market by offering a comprehensive, cost-effective range of products that meet the industry standards of quality and reliability. We aim to be recognized as a leading supplier of the electrical products, to be known for our personalized customer service, technical expertise, and commitment to providing quality, technologically advanced and cost-effective electrical products and accessories. Through continuous evaluation and implementation of our best practices, we aspire to be a key player and advocate to the advancement and modernization of electrical infrastructure, serving as a catalyst for progress and innovation.